Embrace the Uncomfortable...

If you know you need to make a shift read this……

If I’m being 100% honest one of the real reasons I left Australia is because I never felt like I ever fit in.

I’ve always had insane dreams which often made people uncomfortable around me.

I actually tried very hard to create a solid community and ran hundreds of networking events over the last decade but something just felt off.

I’m by no means saying Australia is a bad place to live, it gifted me incredible lifelong friendships that I cherish deeply and to me are like family, but I knew that I was put on this earth to create things no one has seen just yet so I must be prepared to make bold moves few have done and that’s why I moved to a foreign country with my ex and my 3 kids- most are dumbfounded as to how this works but it does.

Many people didn’t believe me, and thought I was crazy but Australia is where I grew up, I no longer consider it a home anymore. I’m a child of the world and I’d live in every other country before I ever moved back because my lessons there are complete and there is an entire world to explore!!

IN under 2 years in Bali, I’ve finally met my people. The crazy ones are setting up global companies like me and constantly jumping into the deep end and learning how to swim.

The connections to insanely high-class billionaires, celebrities, and successful entrepreneurs with companies of over 15,000 employees is wild.

And you have no idea how many people judge Bali and say it’s a place for bogans… or people trying to save money…ironically I’d argue that you attract who you are..

When people ask prices of what I pay for things they are shocked. My life in Bali isn’t cheaper than Australia but it depends on how you want to live and I love luxury and enjoying life so I do live it up

Since being here I’ve changed so much I barely recognise myself.

I’ve changed more in the last 2 years than in my entire life and I’m so proud of who I am.

I’ve let go of more people than I can count on both hands, but the people I’ve allowed in my god. You truly are a product of the closest 5 people you hang around so choose them carefully… because my inner circle now are powerful AF and are inspiring millions globally!!

I love that I never fit in, in Australia because that led me to Bali. And I know I will live in many different countries before I die and have real estate all around the world.

Use the discomfort to propel you. It will serve you greatly I promise.

Bali has given me a life so good I kick myself daily. It’s so beautiful it took me a while to believe it.

I want to remind you that a life is out there waiting for you that is so damn good it will take your breath away.

Don’t be afraid to do the things everyone will judge you for, because they are judging you anyway…

And if you feel called to change your entire life in 4 days come join me in Bali- it will be worth it I promise…

Big love wealthy old soul xxx


Embracing the Uncertainty


Bali gave me a second chance at life...