The quantum leap from your yearly income to your monthly income.

As I sit down to write this blog post, a surge of emotion sweeps over me. Gratitude fills my heart, and tears teeter on the edge. Today's reflection is a celebration of life's beauty and the profound realisations that come with it.

Reflecting on a recent conversation with a client running a billion-dollar company, I realised the beauty of my journey—creating from a space of wholeness and abundance rather than chasing after external validations. This realisation forms the foundation of today's discussion: the quantum leap from your yearly income to your monthly income.

To comprehend this leap, let's delve into the psyche—a combination of mind, body, and spirit. I advocate for addressing all three aspects in personal development, as neglecting any can hinder our progress. Imagine your psyche as an energetic house; healing involves exploring various rooms, clearing out the low-vibration spaces, and creating a harmonious whole.

Life mirrors our psyche—each room corresponds to an aspect of our reality. Currently, you may be residing in the room representing your yearly income. To make your yearly income your monthly income, you must step into a new room, expanding your energetic capacity.

Expanding requires acknowledging the blockages, often rooted in the mind. It's a physical and spiritual game, connecting with the earth, recognising that money exists in the physical plane. The analogy of building an extension to your house illustrates the need for new connections, experiences, and a transformed version of yourself.

In a recent video, I shared powerful tips for embedding your financial goals into your subconscious and shattering glass ceilings. This exploration of the subconscious is crucial for manifesting a reality where your yearly income becomes your monthly income.

Continual expansion is key. You may think you've stretched your limits, but there's always room for more growth. Your current energetic field sustains your current reality; to manifest more, expand, and keep expanding.

The energetic game is effective only when your mind aligns with your soul. Take time to visualise your yearly income as your monthly income, overcoming limiting beliefs and fears that may hinder your progress.

As you embark on this journey, remember that your dreams await you. I've witnessed clients transform from a monochromatic life to one filled with colour, joy, and abundance. If you're ready to turn your life from success to more success, from joy to bliss, join me on this limitless adventure. You are limitless, and my purpose is to activate that potential within you.

Big love to all the old souls out there. May your day be magical and filled with beauty.


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