Are you living your dream life?

If you aren't living your dream life, then stop doing these 9 things...

1. You always use MONEY as an excuse not to do what you want because you never get resourceful

2. You blame everyone else accept realising YOU have manifested your current reality

3. You always think "its not the right time" -- PS the only TIME is NOW... Its meant to be uncomfortable

4. You NEVER take huge risks

5. You always think coaches, programs and courses didn't help you instead of realising the only problem in your life is YOU and it will always be YOU.

6. You spend time with people that don't have big DREAMS. Your vibration equates to those around you- thats why you invest into coaches on higher timelines to calibrate.

7. You want a NEW LIFE but you aren't prepared to change anything about your current reality to attract it...

8. You don't respect Sales people or MONEY and expect people to buy from you when you have a belief that sales people are con artists instead of the belief that sales from the heart- changes LIVES!

9. You give your power away to your partner, family or job waiting for approval by them to just jump in... It's your life, take action and realise you are GOD DAMN WORTHY... you always have been!

If you are ready for more I invite you to come join my free 888 Wealth Codes group to learn how to transform the world...

The truth is... money is easy to make but the world is short of real leaders, so its time you stepped up and lived your dream life to show the world what is possible.

Big love wealth old soul!

Eva xx


If you think like this... You will be BROKE forever.


Groundhog Day....