Groundhog Day....

7 years ago my life went from Groundhog Day to next level steroids….

It was my Saturn return… which if you have no idea about astrology think back to: 27–31 yrs old and notice the big shifts that happened in your life… marriage, deaths, divorce, big work leaps??

So here I was living a stable quote on quote “very successful life by the means of society” but I was bored AF and always felt like something was missing.... and within short period of time EVERYTHING CHANGED…..

My friend told me to go and see a medium…

now I believed in something more and had lots of trippy intuitive moments growing up.... but I brushed it to the side because my whole life I’d been bullied for believing in a GOD or higher level of infinite intelligence…

....which now is the norm if you have ever read any personal development book- or book about making money…

So I go see a medium stiff as all hell- no knowing what to expect…

He had the most insane conversation with my father that took his life over a decade earlier and is singing songs and saying things my dad use to say— yes shit you can not google my friends….

Within days my body started to awaken and I felt like I was insanely high for 6 months on end…. It was the most craziest feeling…. and most people around me were insanely uncomfortable with my shift....

I felt like I had a lifetime of knowledge to catch up on and I went so deep and did EVERYTHING so fast…

△ Past life regression… (insane next level experiences where I was convulsing and tears were streaming out of my eyes)

△ Time line therapy…. I saw many painful suppressed childhood memories come to light

△ Worked with many shamans, healers, access consciousness, light language therapy, kundalini activation, plant medicine, chakra healing, sound healing…… And the list of insane things I’ve done goes on…

I believe the fact that I spent years cleaning out my psyche is the reason my energy is so insanely clean today…

Feeling happy, joyous and excited is my norm. I do not live in fear, stress or anxiety like most people on the planet....

The world could be exploding and I would be at PEACE….

I am magnetic to a life beyond my wildest dreams and it is the life I live today because I ran towards the discomfort instead of running away.

It wasn't easy... I spent years crying in a cupboard and when I went through this awakening phase I had to face rooms in my psyche that were far more painful than a lot of the trauma I had experienced growing up- which was A LOT!! if you know my story....

Most people don’t want to be different and stand out, but I don’t see the point in being alive if you care about fitting in.. NO ONE WILL EVER BE YOU, OR BE LIKE YOU… your gifts are for the world...

The quicker you find your souls essence the quicker you will be set free and unlock limitless love, abundance and JOY!!

THERE IS A WORLD OUT THERE SO GREAT, SO MAGNIFICENT, SO ABUNDANT THAT YOU WILL NEVER GET TO SEE IF YOU DON’T HEAL , because all you’ll ever see is your wounds on the big screen….

But you don’t need to spend your life healing, you can spend it truly living… SO with that say I have condensed what I have learnt in 7 years of healing and insane modalities into 4 days because time is an illusion and as proven in science you can collapse and bend it and that’s exactly what we will be doing….

If you are ready to enter a higher timeline by discarding all that you are not then I invite you to my one of a kind 4 day immersion that will transform your entire life forever….

See you in the next chapter!

big love Wealthy old soul xxx


Are you living your dream life?


A Limitless Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams