Kundalini is the energy known as your "life force energy".

This energy is potent and vital in your physical body and will cause dis-ease if blocked or disrupted.

These blockages may show up in your 3D reality through many different ways such as lower vibrational states, illness, blockages of money, relationships so on and so forth.

This session is a direct "Life force energy transmission" and is created through the path of surrender. It is not a self generated process by any means like kundalini yoga or kundalini breath work.

This energy has a very phenomenal intelligence and will do exactly what your mind, body and soul need in this moment.

This transmission involves me to create a bio field that then allows your psychical body to harmonise with this frequency. As this frequency is very high anything that doesn't align with this frequency will be guided to move through your body and will be released through various means. Some people cry, scream, howl, laugh, dance to allow the energy to awaken and move their body in various ways which we call kriyas. When you have these deep somatic releases in the body it can be experienced as pain, bliss euphoria as you start to clean out the old dense energies in your physical body.

This transmission isn't for everyone, but if you have been in my world for some time and have been doing the inner work, playing with energy this is naturally the next step to activating and unlocking higher frequencies by releasing trauma blockages from the body so you can become magnetic to a life beyond your wildest dreams.

You will need to allow 2 hours for these sessions which will include the introduction and integration afterwards.

Once you activate this energy you will start to find that everything in your life will change very quickly so please listen to your intuition and make sure that you are ready to make this shifts and raise your frequency to much higher planes of consciousness.

If you are ready to start making big changes in your life please read the disclaimer below and if you agree to the terms please proceed and book in your session.

Kundalini Energy Activation Disclaimer

Important Notice: By choosing to participate in a Kundalini Energy Activation session, you acknowledge that you have carefully read and agree to the following terms:

Kundalini Energy Activation involves physical movements that may pose a risk of injury. As with any physical practice, the possibility of injury exists, which could range from mild discomfort to more severe or even life-threatening consequences. While every effort is made to ensure a safe environment, these risks cannot be entirely eliminated.

Should you experience any discomfort or pain during the session, it is crucial that you stop immediately and seek assistance from the facilitator. Continuation of the session should only occur once you feel comfortable and are breathing steadily.

You fully accept all responsibility for any physical or emotional harm that might arise from your participation. Please note that this practice is not intended as a replacement for professional medical or psychological care, diagnosis, or treatment. Individuals who are prone to mania, delusions, or psychosis are advised against participating, as the session may not be safe for them.

Before engaging in this practice, you confirm that you are in good health, both physically and mentally, to participate. It is essential to inform the facilitator of any existing medical conditions or physical limitations prior to the session. Participation during pregnancy is not recommended.

You are solely responsible for assessing whether this healing modality is suitable for you and agree to participate at your own risk. By attending the session, you waive any claims against the facilitator or the practice itself for any outcomes that may result.

By attending this session, you affirm that you have read, understood, and agree to these terms and conditions. You acknowledge that you are responsible for your own health and well-being throughout and following the session. Outcomes from the session can vary significantly between individuals.

This notice is not intended to provide legal, medical, psychological, or professional advice. If you require such advice, we recommend consulting with a licensed professional. Additionally, this process is not advisable for those with a history of psychosis or those who are pregnant.

I have read and agree to the terms outlined above.

Kundalini Energy Activation Journey & Safety Guidelines

Kundalini Energy Activation is a transformative practice aimed at releasing blocked emotions and clearing stagnant energy from the body, mind, and spirit. By consciously increasing the flow of Kundalini energy, participants may experience heightened states of awareness, develop new neural connections, and gain profound insights into their inner world.

This practice helps in addressing deep-seated emotional blockages, limiting beliefs, and past traumas, allowing for a journey of healing and self-discovery. As we confront these aspects with compassion, we can transform pain into wisdom and shine light on areas of our lives that require healing.

Through this journey, individuals may dismantle limiting self-perceptions and reconnect with their core essence. The process encourages participants to reclaim their personal power, awaken their inner guidance, and integrate their spiritual essence into daily life, fulfilling their unique purpose.

Before embarking on this journey, it's vital to evaluate your readiness for deep emotional work. Kundalini Energy Activation may provoke strong emotional responses, ranging from intense grief to profound joy. It requires a willingness to confront and embrace all parts of oneself with mindful awareness and compassion.

If you feel aligned and prepared for this deep, transformative journey, please proceed with the registration, ensuring you are fully committed to the process ahead.

Please carefully review the following conditions: Kundalini Energy Activation is NOT suitable if you are:

  • Current pregnancy

  • Severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or unresolved trauma

  • Active use of recreational drugs

  • Medication affecting brain chemistry (e.g., anti-anxiety, antidepressants, ADHD, OCD medications)

  • Use of prescribed blood thinners or anticoagulants

  • Osteoporosis

  • Detached retina

  • Glaucoma

  • Kidney disease

  • High blood pressure

  • Cardiovascular issues such as angina or a history of heart attack

  • Chest pain, myocarditis, pericarditis, irregular heartbeat, or other serious heart conditions

  • History of stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA)

  • Seizures, epilepsy, or other neurological conditions

  • Diagnosed aneurysm of any kind

  • Uncontrolled thyroid disorders

  • Any type of diabetes

  • Severe asthma (mild/moderate can be discussed if you bring an inhaler)

  • Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or other psychiatric conditions

  • Severe psychosomatic disorders

  • Recent surgery, stitches, or injury

  • Hospitalization for psychiatric reasons or emotional crisis within the past 10 years

  • Any other medical, psychiatric, or physical condition that may impair your ability to safely engage in deep emotional or physical processes

Please note that all bookings for Kundalini Energy Activation sessions are final and non-refundable. We encourage you to fully assess your readiness before making a commitment. Session credits may be issued if cancellations are made at least 24 hours prior to your appointment.



1. A quiet space

2. A yoga mat or comfy surface

3. A speaker or you can play music from or your phone (but speaker is preferred, connected to your phone)

4. A paid subscription to Spotify to play the playlist we give you or you can copy the list of songs to apple music if you prefer but just make sure you don't have advertisements playing during the session

5. You will need a computer, iPad or tablet to see me on separate to what plays your music

if you have any questions around these sessions please email support@evakaszycki.co.